Intermediate Arabic – Mulha

Mulha is an intermediate Arabic course taught mostly in Arabic. The primary focus of this course is to complete a thorough study of the text Mulhatul I’rab.

Duration: Part 1 (4 months), Part 2 (5 months)

Learning objectives

    • Grammar: to complete an end-to-end study of intermediate Arabic grammar, providing a solid base for advanced studies and for comprehension of the Qur’an
    • Listening Comprehension: to develop listening comprehension skills by active listening and guided reading
    • Vocabulary Acquisition: to acquire new Arabic vocabulary
    • Analysis: to achieve expertise in grammatical analysis (I’rab) to improve understanding of the Qur’an


    • باب معرفة الاسم, باب معرفة الفعل, باب معرفة الحرف
    • فصل في الاسماء الستة المعتلة المضافة, فصل في الاسماء المنقوصة, فصل في الاسماء المقصور
    • باب المبتدأ والخبر, باب الاشتغال, باب الفاعل
    • باب الحال, باب التمييز, أساليب المدح والذم, باب كم الإستفهامية


Students must have completed:

  1. Al-Aajroomiyyah or its equivalent
  2. Qutoof’s Foundations course or its equivalent

What We Provide

We provide a comprehensive online learning experience our students:

  • Live online classes conducted through Zoom
  • Arabic books taught in the class in PDF
  • Live class notes typed by instructor in class
  • Video recording of each class
  • Student community group


Sh Muhammad Helmi is a graduate of the University of Alexandria from the Faculty of Adab. He has taught students of all ages from all over the world for the last 15 years; 3 years at Qortoba Institute and 12 years privately. He is an expert in Arabic grammar, poetry and literature.

Sh Muhammad teaches Foundations and Advanced Islamic Studies at Qutoof Academy. Born, raised and residing in Alexandria, Egypt, he enjoys reading in his spare time.