Qur’an Reading and Memorization

Learning to Read the Qur’an and Tajweed

We offer a custom one-on-one program for learning how to read the Qur’an, at all levels.

  • Qaidah Noorniyah for kids and beginners
  • Tuhfatul Atfaal (leading to an ijaza) for advanced students

To schedule a free trial class, please click here.

Memorizing the Qur’an

We offer a custom, one-on-one hifz program for students of all ages and genders. The student has the option of earning a high ranking ijaza after completion.

Schedule a free trial class by clicking here.


A scholar of the recitations of the Qur’an, Shaikh Ahmad has ijazahs in the agreed upon recitations of the Qur’an, including Warsh, Qaloon, Duri, Susi, Hafs, Shuba, ibn Amir, Kisaai, Khalf and also in the way of Durar. He also holds certificates in teaching the Qaidah Nooraniyya (beginners), the tajweed text Tuhfatul Atfaal (advanced) and Muqaddimatul Jazariyyah. Sh Ahmad Hasan resides in Alexandria, Egypt and likes to spend time with his family in his spare time.

Sign Up

Please click here to sign up for the classes.